Blessed Marie Eugene of the Child Jesus had a great heart for priests and preached an annual retreat for them. This was an absolute priority for him, that he said would be one of the last things that he would want to give up as his health declined. 
Today, the tradition continues and an annual retreat for priests takes place at Notre Dame de Vie, providing spiritual renewal and inspiration for new generations of priests.
The annual retreat has always been preached in French, making it challenging for non-French speakers to participate. In 2023 we offered for the first time an English language retreat so as to allow English speaking priests to participate and be blessed by the graces of this wonderful place and its charism. This was such a blessing for all the participants that we did this again in 2024 and are now organising a 2025 retreat.
The retreat will take place at Notre Dame de Vie, Venasque in the South of France from the evening of 27 April to the afternoon of 2 May 2025. 
Notre Dame de Vie is an ancient Marian shrine dating back to the sixth century, a wonderful place of prayer that is today the home of the Secular Institute of Notre Dame de Vie
The shrine is in a beautiful natural setting in a peaceful valley with great opportunities for walking in the surrounding countryside.

Image © Peter Potrowl

The retreat will be preached by Fr François Girard. Fr François has extensive experience as a seminary formator and retreat giver. He is also the author of a couple of excellent books on St Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face.
As well as the retreat conferences there will be daily Mass, the opportunity to pray the divine office and join in times of silent prayer and adoration with others and confessions. There will be the opportunity to have meals in silence or to speak to others during meal times depending on your personal preference.
Notre Dame de Vie is near Avignon in Southern France. For those coming by air, we would suggest flying to Marseille Provence Airport, where we will provide onward transport to Venasque (just over an hour’s drive away). Alternatively you can travel by train to Carpentras where we can collect you, or you can drive to Notre Dame de Vie where there is plenty of secure on-site parking.